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Last Updated: 2/12/2021

MASK Tactical & The Warrior Tribe, a company with one goal in mind: To get people further faster in their lives, and take them from average to savage in their preparedness. This means we have very high standards for all of our products and services. The same standard of quality and excellence is expected of our preparedness blog as well. Below you will see these standards outlined. All Guest Contributors are required to accept this agreement to become a member of our blogging team. Please read carefully and ensure you understand everything.

All Guest Posts must comply with the following criteria:

1. Guest Posts must be your own original work that has not been published on any other website, forum, chat, or social media network.

2. Plagiarism or copyright infringement is not permitted.

3. When quoting others, please make sure to properly cite your source. You can use hyperlinks to accomplish this as well, or simply list any relevant sources in the base of the article.

4. Posts will acknowledge your authorship but will be the property of MASK Tactical.

5. Once the post has been submitted to MASK Tactical, you may not publish it anywhere else online, in part or in whole, including your own website or blog. This creates unneeded SEO complications.

6. If we use your guest post, you may promote it on your own website, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media forums. Promoting does not mean you post the entire article on these forums. You may include a link to your guest post and a short sentence or two explaining what the article is about.

7. Submissions require a minimum of 300 words. Our default blog CTA (Call to action) has 161 words. Whatever your total is, deduct 161 and that’s your actual article length. Our CTA does not count towards your total word count. Articles can be as long as you want to make them. Fluffing (adding additional words for the sake of adding words) will not be permitted and if it’s an issue we will let you know. Always do the best to write the best content you can. Don’t add words that add unnecessary length. It’s not only unethical towards us, but it hurts the readability for the viewer as well.

8. Affiliate links shall not be included in guest post submissions with the exception of the MASK Tactical Affiliate Program. As a guest contributor with MASK Tactical, you are permitted to place your Vanguard (Affiliate program) affiliate links to any of our promotable products or services. (ie. the Warrior Tribe, Operation Optimize, Warlight, etc…)

9. MASK Tactical reserves the right to add its own affiliate links where appropriate. (Amazon, eBay, Clickbank, etc…) We are affiliated with many different companies.

10. Guest contributors will receive writing credit as the author of their post at the beginning and end of the article they author.

11. Guest contributors will get their own independent author bio page that can feature their own social links and website link if desired. As well as a cover/display photo for the bio page.

12. Guest contributors may display a photo of themselves with a short bio in the photo caption no more than 50 words at the beginning or end of their articles if they choose.

13. A) – If you decide to submit a post to our site, you do so with the knowledge that you are entitled to compensation for writing the post but not for any other compensation related to the post with the exception of sales earned through the MASK Tactical Affiliate Program. The way you get paid as a contributor for MASK Tactical is simple. Upon article publication, and through the Vanguard (Affiliate program). We allow you to place your Vanguard affiliate links in your content, so that if anyone purchases as a result from your posting contributions, you will be compensated for it passively based on the performance of your links within the articles you contribute.

13. B) – COMPENSATION Explained:

  • $1 for every 100 words written (minus our 161-word blog CTA)
  • 1,500 words max. (longer articles may be written with prior-permission on a case by case basis. Just ask!)
  • We will round to the nearest 100 increments when determining pay.
  • We do not pay extra for the addition of photos, graphics, or videos you may create to go along with the article. You should want to do this on your own because it will help the performance of your article. The better it performs, the more opportunity for affiliate sales you will have.
  • Payouts are made on or close to the 1st and 15th every month for those who are eligible.
  • MASK Tactical reserves the right to withhold publishing compensation until the minimum threshold of $50 is met or exceeded. In the event, you get paid lesser commissions it will be done so strictly at MASK Tactical’s sole discretion.

14. MASK Tactical welcomes images and/or video to accompany your guest post as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • a. ) The Guest contributor must be the copyright holder of the image/video OR the image/video must be licensed under an appropriate creative commons license or in the public domain. Proof must be submitted along with any image/video showing that it does not infringe on copyright laws.
  • b. ) MASK Tactical reserves the right to change/edit the image/video if necessary.
  • c. ) If people are included in the image/video, then the Guest contributor must provide a written release allowing the use of likeness.
  • d. ) Video/image submissions must be relevant to the post.
  • e. ) MASK Tactical reserves the right to deny or remove any image/video it deems inappropriate or contrary to the values of the MASK Tactical company and brand.
  • f. ) Videos and photos must be of high-quality and well presented. We don’t expect Hollywood production value, but we want you to strive to achieve the best quality work you can. If we have issues with the quality we will coach you and let you know what you need to do to get it up to standard. Simply put… Just create good original media, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

15. MASK Tactical will share and promote your guest posts on a variety of social media networks but does not guarantee any particular site or audience reach.

16. Links to any third-party site may not be affiliate links and must be relevant to the topic and approved by MASK Tactical.

17. All search engine optimization (“SEO”) information, such as anchor text, headline, imagery, or alt tags, will be reviewed and are subject to change at the discretion of MASK Tactical.

18. Excessive links or links that appear to be affiliated or spam related will be removed at the discretion of MASK Tactical.

19. All Guest Posts are reviewed and approved by MASK Tactical prior to posting. Guest contributors are not permitted to publish any posts on their own. MASK Tactical handles all publishing. All guest posts are to remain in draft mode until changed by MASK Tactical.

20. MASK Tactical reserves the right to edit Guest Posts where necessary.

21. MASK Tactical reserves the right to refuse publication or remove a Guest post without prior notice to the Guest Post writer.

22. By providing a Guest Post to MASK Tactical, you agree that you are in no way becoming an official part of the website or company, nor shall you hold yourself out to be an official member of the MASK Tactical website or company. You are permitted to state that you are a guest writer for MASK Tactical.

23. If a Guest Post submission is inappropriate or needs improvements, a MASK Tactical representative will let you know and offer suggestions so that it may be published at a later time. MASK Tactical will review your submissions in a timely manner. MASK Tactical reserves the right to refuse publication of any Guest Post.

24. All guest posts must be relevant to the preparedness topics listed under the blog categories on MASK Tactical. If you want to create on a topic that is preparedness related but do not see it listed in our categories, simply let us know so we can consider adding it. MASK Tactical reserves the right to deny any additional category requests.

25. It is not recommended that any guest contributors build their content in any other platform other than in the MASK Tactical WordPress blog. Using tools such as Evernote or Microsoft word are not recommended. It creates SEO and formatting complications when transferred to WordPress. It’s best to build your content right on the MASK Tactical platform and save the drafts if you need to come back to them at a later date. You can build the content wherever you like, we are not restricting your ability to do it, we are just not recommending it. If you’re a seasoned blogger with SEO experience then you may be okay doing this. Either way, It is wise to save your work every few minutes to avoid accidental loss of content. When you’re ready for review simply submit the post for review and complete an article review form.

26. All guest contributors are required to submit a minimum of 1 post per month. More is encouraged. No limit to how many you can produce. Failure to meet the minimum and you will risk removal from the program. There is a 15 day grace period if you’re late on an article. Failure to get the minimum published by the end of the grace period risks your removal as well. You’ll be able to go on hiatuses if planned and not worry about getting dropped and we will work with anyone who communicates. But for anyone who joins the program, consumes training, and doesn’t consistently maintain the minimal contribution number (currently only 1 article per month) will be at risk of being removed should it become an issue. We’re not looking to make it hard on anyone but this whole program is a lot to manage and build and so in order for it to exist we must have consistent participation.

27. PROBATIONARY PERIOD – All new creators are subjected to a probationary period of 5 months or 5 articles. You could knock out all 5 in a day, or 5 (1 per month) over your first 5 months. However fast you choose to create is completely up to you so long as our minimum is met. If by the end of 5 months on the program you fail to produce 5 published articles, you will be removed from the program. During the probation period, creators will not be compensated for their contributions outside of affiliate sales. Once you complete the probation period you will begin to be compensated per contribution, as well as any affiliate commissions earned. Again, the probation period can last 1 day or 5 months. The choice is yours. 5 Articles will give us enough content to know if you’re going to be the right fit. After you hit 5, we will decide if you’re a proper fit for the program and either keep you on and begin compensating or decide to part ways. If you are removed from the program any published articles will remain published, and you will still be able to earn affiliate commissions through your contributions. You will, however, have your asset profile page deactivated, and you will be removed from all guest contributor communications channels. (Discord, FB group, Chats, etc)

By submitting a Guest Post to MASK Tactical, you agree then you have read and understood this agreement and agree to be bound by it.